Meaningful learning in arts education based on project-based learning


  • Nora Ramos Vallecillo Universidad de Zaragoza Autor



Meaningful learning; arts education; learning achievement; comprehensive memorisation; functionality.


This presentation shows the results of an investigation focused on the impact of Project Based Learning for the development of meaningful learning in art education. The main objective of this study was to identify and analyse the effectiveness of this teaching methodology in the field of art education in lower secondary education. The case study was used as the research methodology and participant observation and interview were used as data collection strategies. As for the effectiveness of this methodological model, we can say that it improved the students' ability to organize the process of artistic creation by means of comprehensive memorisation, operability of the contents, and significance in their learning. After carrying out the project, the students activated their previous knowledge worked on in class and developed creative and metacognitive skills.

Key words: Meaningful learning; arts education; learning achievement; comprehensive memorisation; functionality.


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How to Cite

Meaningful learning in arts education based on project-based learning. (2024). Campo Abierto, Revista De Educación, 42(1), 55-66.