Reading, Animation reader, Language, Inf anti/e Language, Primary, Secondary, Special EducationAbstract
The present article to seek to meditate about a value to the drop, like it is the case of the reading, in an educational context in the one that continues having space, with excessive specific weight still, the textbook. The scholars of all the educational levels, but preferably those of Primary and Secondary to be the levels in those that settle the bases of /he whole later knowledge, hardly read for amusement. The little time that you/they prepare prefers to dedicate it to be with the friends or to play to the computer. Him little that they read he/she acquires an utilitarian function: to study to approve. On the other hand, with the Educational Reformation the disappearance of the textbook was almost announced, since a neu; curriculum opened up before the professionals of the education that could build to its whim. The editorial market, with enormous commercial interests of far half, he/she has taken charge of camouflaging as novel the use (and I abuse) of the textbook that you grieve they include re-creative readings (that given the case constitutes another book that is a/so sold), being in general terms the only didactic material that the students begin and they finish.