Virtual international academic mobility in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic
international cooperation, COVID-19, universities, students, international educational exchangeAbstract
Academic internationalization has as its objective the acquisition of skills that allow interacting effectively in the context of globalization. The propagation of COVID-19 restricted student mobility but increased the opportunity to experience the exchange without displacement. Thus, this investigation aims to reconstruct the experience of virtual international academic mobility. A retrospective systematization of experiences was carried out using a semi-structured interview (hermeneutic analysis) with a reflective approach. A convenience sample was selected in a physiotherapy course (Brasil and Colombia): 10 students, ten professors, two coordinators, and three members of the internationalization department. The mobility required didactic and methodological adjustments in the contents and evaluation adapted to the available technology. Teachers reported fear of not achieving their goals due to the language. On the other hand, students showed satisfaction and good academic performance and highlighted this alternative as the only possible one due to economic limitations. The main motivation for mobility was the experimentation of new experiences and the main barrier to language. Virtual mobility offers access, growth, and transformation opportunities.
Key Words: international cooperation; COVID-19; universities; students; international educational exchange.
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