Importance of psychomotor development in premature pupils.
Chil education, Premature, Motor skillsAbstract
Psychomotricity is a fundamental tool for comprehensive development in students with and without disabilities. This study aimed to compile documents related to the analysis of psychomotricity in premature subjects to know the processes and instruments used to work in the classroom. For this, the keywords: "Child education", "Premature" and "Motor skills" were used in the Web of Science database (hereinafter, WOS), until December 2022, because in the rest of the databases, no document was identified. To adjust the search to the study object, a series of inclusion criteria were established, obtaining a total of thirteen manuscripts. The selected documents were evaluated by experts to determine the quality of the manuscripts. It is necessary to carry out a training process so that the experts register all equally. In addition, an intra-observer (p=0.94) and inter-observer (p=0.89) reliability analysis was performed. The results showed that the documents related to the object of study are scarce, and the prematurity of babies is one of the main causes of difficulty in the Teaching-Learning process, due to the lack of development in language, reading, and, writing, or even motor difficulties. For this reason, it is important to carry out early monitoring during the Early Childhood Education stage to reduce the difficulties in Primary Education
Keywords: Child education; premature; motor skills.
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